Da Bomb Bath Fizzers


... was created by the innovative sister duo Caroline and Isabel. Growing up, they always loved using fizzing bath bombs. But they couldn't help but feel a little bit sad when a bomb finished dissolving because, well... it was gone. So they decided to create their own line of bath bombs that each contain a fun surprise in the middle! Now isn't that way more exciting than a bath bomb that just disappears? (They think so!) Caroline and Isabel also wanted to keep the bombs as natural as possible, so they continue to make them themselves using just a few simple, high quality ingredients.  DaBomb2-1


Talk about the beginnings of Da Bomb. 

Isabel: It started out as a hobby. We didn’t realize we could make a real business out of making bath fizzers until we were selling our products at an art fair and we were approached by a salon owner. He asked if he could sell our bombs in his salons. We said yes!


How has your business grown? How have you grown? 

Caroline: Since May, our products have gotten into 55 retail stores. We add anywhere from one to four stores per week, lately. And we have filled hundreds of online orders from our website! Launching our website allowed us to do that, along with getting our name and products out there. We’re always experimenting, developing new formulas and looking into expanding the products we offer. We are planning to expand to offer two new products within the next month, and we also have some really cool bath bombs just for the holidays.



What do you hope your products add to the 'Made in MN' community?

Caroline: I would say FUN. All our bath bombs have a surprise inside, which we think is pretty unique. We like to make people happy and relaxed. A bath bomb with a surprise inside is a successful way to do that!

Isabel: A lot of bath bombs around the world are made with a machine, but ours are made by hand. We like to buy things that are made locally, and other people must feel that way, too, because we’re selling a lot of bath bombs these days!


How has living in Minnesota impacted your business and products?

Isabel: Well, it’s harder to make bath bombs in humidity, so good thing we’re in Minnesota because there isn’t much of that here!

Caroline: As far as starting our own business here, people have been so nice to us and welcoming. We have met with so many people who have given us good advice and just helped us with answers to our questions.

Isabel: Yeah, like, “What’s a wholesale price?” and how to put together a line sheet. We learned about both of those recently.


How is it working together as sisters? 

Caroline: We’re only sixteen months apart, so we’ve always been close. I feel like I’ve gotten to know her even better than before.

Isabel: We mostly fight over clothing, not bath bombs. We each have our own aspects of the business that we love, so we split some of the responsibilities.


Do you have any advice for someone just starting out?

Isabel: Well, our motto is “never give up.” Starting and having your own business is a lot of work. A LOT. More than we even imagined. And sometimes things go wrong, like putting the wrong surprises in our bath bombs and not realizing it until we have made 60 of them! So I would say you really have to love the business you choose and expect bumps along the way. We’re lucky because it’s very easy to love bath bombs!


Visit their site here: http://www.dabombfizzers.com/