Your support matters

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Independent publications like Make Minnesota rely on support by subscribers and patrons to be sustainable. As an ad-free magazine, we believe in offering a meaningful reading experience unhindered by traditional advertisements. We're proud to be a part of the slow journalism movement and believe that print is far from dead. There's a real resurgence of tactile, evocative reading experiences in an increasingly digital world; and this fact inspires us to create a truly one-of-a-kind magazine for our own communities. 



Craft + Community + Storytelling

Made with a passion for craft, community, and connecting to this place, Make MN is funded by our fantastic Patrons, subscribers, and local business and event partnerships. Support our work by becoming a subscriber!

When you join the Make MN community as a subscriber, you’re empowering our small team of creatives. We make this magazine because we care about the local makers, artists, and community leaders doing mission-driven work, and we believe that in sharing their stories, we are able to connect with the people and places that make up our communities in a meaningful way.

We publish the voices of our communities through compelling stories, conversations, photography, essays, recipes, and illustration. Our goal in content and contributors is to represent and celebrate the intersection of craft and community in this place in an inclusive, welcoming, and creatively inspiring way.

Choose between three tiers of subscriptions and get an inside look into the world of craft and community in Minnesota!
